Not with thoughts of your mind, but in the believing sweetness of your heart, you snap the link and open the golden door and disappear into the bright room, the everlasting ecstasy, eternal Now. 不是凭借你心智的思虑,只是在你心信任的美妙之中,你弄响了门轴打开金色的门消失在明亮的房间里。
If we can put "The biography of golden lock"," The love of the whole city", "The song of the everlasting sorrow" and "Shanghai baby" together, we will see a very long section of historical changes of Shanghai. 如果我们把张爱玲、王安忆、卫慧的《金锁记》、《倾城之恋》、《长恨歌》、《上海宝贝》等小说放在一起,我们就会看到很长的一段上海的历史变迁。